Tuesday 19 August 2014

Daily Life : OITNB

Hey guys. How are you all keeping? Since my last Daily Life post a lot has gone on in my life. Last Sunday I joined a chat on Twitter #PABchat that is. I really enjoyed being part of this chat and reading everyone's responses to the questions. The girl that was hosting the chat was @Sam_Bugeja. The question were general blogging ones. From this chat I have learned that I need to structure my posts more my pictures should be more creative too. This is what others look for in a new blog. I need to get more followers as you well know. A well structures blog is much easier to read for visiters. I know that I have a lot of work to do on my blog but I am hoping that in time I will be much better.

One of the questions on the chat was 'your favourite app to use'.  I said blogger as I don't have a computer at the moment and the blogger app comes in handy. Most people said twitter and I can see why its much easier to community and to promote your blog. Instagram is up there and is a  very popular way to promote yourself. I still don't  have the Instagram figured out. I find it hard to promote myself. I do find Google plus much better though. I have a community created its called A Beauty Bloggers World.

I am a shy person and I would like to share my posts with people that don't know me so that I don't get judged all the time. Don't get me wrong I won't mind if I make friends on a social media and they read my blog because I know they know what I do and they would be support of my blog.

Do you feel like that?

In other news. I have been having a bad time with Rhys. He has been getting his last tooth and it had been tough on my poor little boy. It has also taken a toll on me too. I haven't been sleeping and then my days are all go go go. I hope that in a few days he will feel much better. I hate to see my little one in pain. He is starting school in a few weeks so we are potting training him and I have to say that he is really good at it. He has given us very little problem with that, as I know some parents have loads of trouble potty training little ones.

I have found myself a new show to watch. Orange Is The New Black I was bored the other night and I thought 'sure I'll watch the first episode and well go from there, I always seen hash tags on twitter for it but it never appealed to me I am more of a Bones or Criminal Minds kind of gal. It has really supprised me that its so good. I am currently on episode 6.

Have you seen it all? What you think of #OITNB?

Well guys I hope you have enjoyed this Daily Life post. If you have any advice for me please don't be shy to say it to me, I won't take it the wrong way.

Thanks again for stopping by.

Christina xx

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